ROW80-Round of Words in 80 days

ROW80-Round of Words in 80 days

So with my tendency toward procrastination and quite possibly undiagnosed ADD, I have decided to participate in the ROW80 challenge. My goal should be measurable, so here goes, by May 31, 2012. I will add another 20,000 words to my novel, Beauty of Fear. I will be...

Beauty of Fear (working title)-Prologue

            Her name was Marie and she didn’t know where she was or even when it was, as she felt the tears rolling down her face mix with grime and sweat.  All she knew with certainty was that for now at least, she was...

When is it too late…

Too Late I know now I was too late. My friend, her body gone Her spirit lives within my heart Her words read like a song She suffered so in her short life She suffered much alone One day she chose to spread her wings Unknown she found a friend They shared a history...