Are you one of those people who has wondered what it would be like to get your black belt?  Maybe you saw Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon, or David Carradine in Kung-Fu. Then again if you aren’t that old, maybe you saw Kung Fu Panda or a Jackie Chan movie.  Either way its a cool thought isn’t it?  Becoming a Black Belt.  That’s what it is you know.  You don’t get a black belt, you earn it.

I wonder if it isn’t the same way to becoming an author.  Hear me out…
White Belt= ideas bouncing around your head, what to do, what to do…
Yellow Belt=a notebook!  write those ideas down girl…
Orange Belt= These ideas are all over the place but at least they are in one book…
Green Belt=We have a theme! Now to get these ideas sorted…
Purple Belt=I have the meat, but where are the potatoes?
Blue Belt=Slicing and dicing…these characters are starting to seem real…
Red Belt=Backstory?  What the heck is backstory?
Brown Belt=It has a flow!  It actually makes sense as I read it…
Brown/Black or Red/Black=Review, edit, read…review, edit, read…
Black Belt=ready to publish!  Self pub or not, either way you are ready…SUBMIT!
Higher Black Belt Degrees=ALL OF THE ABOVE, all the time…(King, Rowling, Patterson, Cornwell, you get the idea)
What do you think? Agree, disagree?  If you are into martial arts, you can argue the belt colors but I don’t think you can argue the process.  As a writer have you gone through this? As a person have you jotted stories down, never realizing you were an orange belt in writing?
I was a black belt in Tae Kwon Do when I was still an Orange Belt in writing and for some of my stories I will probably always be an orange belt but knowing that you can move up is exciting!  So, what do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts about it.
