by LE Perez | Apr 10, 2017 | amazon, author, black belt, Blog, blogging, excerpt, goals, Indie Bookfest, karate, L.E.Perez, loss, love, self-publishing, Why I write, Writing
I have been noticeably absent from blogging since the beginning of November 2016. I guess the election hit me harder than I thought. ;D But guess what? I’m back! What’s gone on while I was away? For me it’s been writing, writing, editing, writing,...
by LE Perez | Jan 16, 2016 | blademaster chronicles, blogging, Indie Bookfest, Jana Oliver, kindle, self-publishing, Why I write, Writers Atelier, Writing, writing help
I have been a very bad blogger. There has not been a post since Oct 30, 2015…I deserved to be slapped with a wet noodle… … Okay, enough lamenting, back to the business at hand. This blog started out as a way to highlight my writing and learn the...
by LE Perez | Oct 30, 2015 | amazon, blogging, FWA, Indie Bookfest, inspiration, NaNoWriMo, Writers Atelier, Writing, writing help
So much has gone on since my last post that I don’t know where to start. For one, I’ve learned oh so much since my last post. I had the opportunity to finally attend a Florida Writer’s Conference and I have to say except for a minor glitch here or...
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