So with my tendency toward procrastination and quite possibly undiagnosed ADD, I have decided to participate in the ROW80 challenge.

My goal should be measurable, so here goes, by May 31, 2012. I will add another 20,000 words to my novel, Beauty of Fear.

I will be updating folks on my status twice a week.  Now this will definitely be a challenge since in the midst of all this I will be relocating to Florida, starting another job, and writing and updating my works on

If you feel so inclined, take up the challenge yourself, the challenge begins on April 1.  For me this is my chance to refocus myself on completing my story.  Special thanks to my friend and author Claudia Lefeve for cluing me into ROW80.  Gracias Claudia.
Link to ROW80 Linky here to read other writers and efforts:  ROW80-Bloghop

And to check out my friend Claudia and her works:

I’ll be checking in soon.  Word counts coming up.