
Writing diversion-Painting! And no, it wasn’t paint by number 🙂

Today is October 21st. My sister Diana turns 50, I’m at my last writing conference of the year and I am trying to filter through some issues with Kindle direct for my latest publication, to get it out and released.

I think the fact that my sister is 50 today makes me feel more tired than anything. Then I look at all of the deadlines and milestones of the past couple of years and realize nope, that’s not why…

This weekend I am at the Florida Writer’s Association Annual Conference.(You can still register on site) I’m an attendee and faculty this year doing a workshop on Research vs Reality-Worldbuiding and leading a live FB event on Saturday afternoon. Oy!

2016 Conference-Carpe Diem!

My goal in attending? Learning, networking, and expanding my horizons a bit. I’ll be capping off this weekend with a NaNo301 panel session at Writer’s Atelier on Sunday afternoon since you know…as a writer…National Novel Writing Month is right around the corner!  ca38cf59de30b1c3e6dd593f00ed3cec




That’s right, I’m participating this year to help me reach a deadline. Self imposed, but a deadline nonetheless…

Oh and wait!  Did I mention, I’m also accepting submissions for publication through Palmas Publishing.

Palmas Publishing

Tired…so tired…is it 2017? Wait! What am I saying?   That means Christmas…Noooooooooo!

Signing off, for now…



Hobbies. They are extremely important.  Me?  I like to paint.