So…where was I….

So…where was I….

Oh right, working on my word count, well with my recent move to Florida, Orlando to be precise and a new job that I started on Monday…writing has been mmmm tight?  Basically I’ve been tired and distracted but I did manage to add about 400 words last night....

ROW80 Check in-the best laid plans…

So while I had the best of intentions, I haven’t been able to write a lick in the past couple of days. I am relocating to Orlando as of Tuesday and just finished my last day as a martial arts instructor in Virginia. To say life has been hectic is an...

ROW80-Getting in the Zone…

Apparently, when I write fanfic I’m “in the zone” as it were, so in preparation for the ROW80 challenge and my personal goal of 20,000 words for Round 2, I started reading my first fanfic from the beginning.  Know what?  It has a different...
ROW80-Round of Words in 80 days

ROW80-Round of Words in 80 days

So with my tendency toward procrastination and quite possibly undiagnosed ADD, I have decided to participate in the ROW80 challenge. My goal should be measurable, so here goes, by May 31, 2012. I will add another 20,000 words to my novel, Beauty of Fear. I will be...

Beauty of Fear (working title)-Prologue

            Her name was Marie and she didn’t know where she was or even when it was, as she felt the tears rolling down her face mix with grime and sweat.  All she knew with certainty was that for now at least, she was...